Would you like to contribute to a collective, sustainable energy supply in the Kempen?

It is the ambition of Coöperatie KempenStroom to have its own sustainable energy supply in the Kempen in a few years' time, from which you will receive energy at a fair and stable price.

How can you contribute to this?

You can contribute to this by becoming a member of KempenStroom and by making the construction of sustainable energy projects financially possible.

Meer informatie over de visie en doelstellingen van KempenStroom: klik HERE

Leden kunnen via onderstaande knop ‘Mijn KempenStroom account’ op hun persoonlijke KS pagina komen.

Meer informatie over KempenStroomDelen: klik HERE



Tweede informatieavond in Reusel
Eerste informatieavond in Reusel
Op 21 juli is de KempenStroom website compleet vernieuwd